10. Jesus prepares His men for the cross

JESUS PREPARES HIS MEN FOR THE CROSS His Final 18 Months Progress 82% Event 26 – Jesus prepares His men for the cross Topics 13 – Jesus agonizes in the Garden of Gethsemane. Previous Topic Next Topic Mark 14:26, 32-42 | John 18:1 Mark 14:26 And when they had sung an hymn, they went out …

13 Jesus agonizes in the Garden of Gethsemane Read More »

JESUS PREPARES HIS MEN FOR THE CROSS His Final 18 Months Progress 78% Event 26 – Jesus prepares His men for the cross Topic 10 – Jesus introduces Communion. Previous Topic Next Topic Mark 14: 22-25 | Matthew 26: 26-29 | Luke 22: 17-20 | 1 Corinthians 11: 23-26 Mark 14: 22-25 And as they …

10 Jesus introduces Communion Read More »

JESUS PREPARES HIS MEN FOR THE CROSS His Final 18 Months Progress 76% Event 26 – Jesus prepares His men for the cross Topics 08 – When Judas departs, Jesus gives us a new commandment. Previous Topic Next Topic John 13: 31-35 John 13: 31-35 Therefore, when he was gone out, Jesus said, Now is …

08 When Judas departs, Jesus gives us a new commandment Read More »

JESUS PREPARES HIS MEN FOR THE CROSS His Final 18 Months Progress 73% Event 26 – Jesus prepares His men for the cross Topics 06 – Jesus washes the feet of His disciples. Previous Topic Next Topic John 13: 1-20 John 13: 1-20 Now before the feast of the passover, when Jesus knew that his …

06 Jesus washes the feet of His disciples Read More »

JESUS PREPARES HIS MEN FOR THE CROSS His Final 18 Months Progress 71% Event 26 – Jesus prepares His men for the cross Topics 04 – Preparation for the Last Supper. Previous Topic Next Topic Mark 14: 12-16 | Matthew 26: 17-19 | Luke 22: 7-13 Mark 14: 12-16 And the first day of unleavened …

04 Preparation for the Last Supper Read More »